handspasticity and tetrahand

Results – handspasticity after brain stroke, brain injury and brain surgery

A 18 years old woman after car accident –  brain injury, quadruparesis,  the left upper arm: severe flexion contracture in the elbow and in the wrist


A year after reconstruction elbow extension (release flexion contracture) and the grip reconstruction



A 31years-old woman after brain surgery 20 years ago

The left hand function before surgery


The range of motion before


The result one year after surgery


The stabile result four years after reconstruction




A 47 years old woman – car accident – comatose for 11 months – quadruparesis

Severe upper arm deformities – painful, no grasp, minimal range of motion


finger extension                                          finger flexion


natažení prstů pravé rukypěst - ohnutí prstů pravé ruky




Odpočinková poloha pravé ruky před operací

The right hand mostly in the rest position – extreme wrist flexion – painful




The left hand grasp with severe wrist flexion and claw finger deformity

natažení prstů levé rukypěst - ohnutí prstů levé ruky




The first surgery – release elbow flexion contracture.

Better range of motion 9 month after surgery


The second surgery – just on soft tissues

Better wrist position, grasp is possible, no pain – 6 weeks after surgery


The finger stiffeness on the left hand

Better finfers position and grasp 3 months after surgery






A 50-years old man with left handspasticity after brainstroke – 35 years ago – it means in his age of 15

No function  of his left hand

The range of motion before surgery


One year after the first stage – release of the elbow flexion contracture

The range of motion is better in the elbow, distally as well as in the shoulder
